sábado, 19 de julio de 2008

I miss...

Remember when I could write a lot abaout anything... it's was so easy.
Now, listening english songs and trying to find the words on my head and my memory... this is the bad side of study engineer... I forgot the sensitivity, the feels, the afternoons looking by the window, thinking in another place. Now all are numbers, physics, subjects, tests...

Oh, we are
in agreement: the world give a lot of spins... and I can't write in english with out a web tralator.

1 ideas locas:

Sign dijo...

Totalmente en desacuerdo con lo ue dices, no creo que estudiar ingenieria cree esos sintomas, aunque si por el momento todo son numeros y fisica.
Me gusta como terminan tus textos =)
PD: Dejame mas plantado para la otra en msn XD